Greetings from the Dennis household,
This blog is becoming progressively more difficult to write as Myron has been feeling so poorly these past couple of weeks. We hate to report bad news, but at the same time, we did promise to keep you all informed by means of this blog.
When we last wrote Myron had just completed his second treatment of the first round of this chemotherapy session. With each round being one session per week for two weeks, followed by one week off (the week off being this week), we are set to begin round 2 on Tuesday of next week. We were at the oncologist yesterday and had his blood work done, so as long as his blood count is still good, we're off to chemotherapy again next week. (the doctor will call us if the chemo is to be cancelled.) We had a scare on Thursday of last week when Myron was suffering excruciating pain and we ended up taking him to Emergency. It was discovered at that time, that on top of everything else), he also had a bladder infection. He is currently on antibiotics to cure that infection, but it seems to be just one thing after another. The doctors still haven't been able to get Myron on a painkiller in the correct dosage that will relieve his constant pain. We went to see a pain specialist in the Palliative Care Department on Wednesday, and she has prescribed a time-released painkiller, with additional supplements for him to take if needed, but life being as it can be sometimes, the pharmacy was out of that medication, so we had to wait until yesterday afternoon before we could get it. He started taking it last night, but so far with no relief. I don't believe that he slept at all last night because of the pain. The medication seemed to ease the back pains, but the abdominal pains are persistent. Myron was also been totally fatigued these past couple of weeks, and it is yet to be determined if this is caused by the cancer or is a side effect of the chemotherapy. Whatever the cause, Myron spends quite a bit of time napping on the couch, he just cannot seem to stay awake.
Myron napping on the living room couch
Myron's appetite continues to decline and he has no desire to eat whatsoever. He is forcing himself to do so, and his body is therefore getting some nourishment, but the amounts have greatly decreased from his normal eating habit and he is losing weight. On the bright side, on both Wednesday and yesterday of this week, he did have a few relatively pain-free hours and we managed to get out to the park for a few hours of enjoyment of our Indian Summer weather.
On the trails at the Westminster Ponds
A walk in Mitches Park
We are planning to have some family photos taken on Sunday, November 2nd, so we have been checking out possible photo locations. Myron continues to look good and he is still the same Myron, doing his best to be upbeat, but this damn illness is wearing on him. It seems as if the solution to one health problem simply causes another health issue somewhere else. All of the pain medications cause constipation which continues to an issue for him.
Otherwise, we try to continue our daily lives as normally as possible in between medical appointments and treatments. As I mentioned in the previous posting, the kitchen renovations are now complete, and the painting of the kitchen and hall was done last Saturday. I (Wendy) am currently dedicating time each day to scrubbing the grout work between the ceramic tiles on the kitchen and hall floor. A much needed chore (to make the five year old floor match the new kitchen), but a tedious task at best. We held another progressive euchre here last Saturday evening and we had 16 people in attendance, but I think it tired Myron much more than it has previously. We continue to attend our Monday evening bowling league.
At our Monday night bowling league
We still greatly look forward to phone calls and visits from our children, our grandchildren, other family and our friends. On days when we are feeling tired and discouraged, a visit or a phone call from someone will brighten up our day. It is currently 7:30 am and we are waiting for the visiting nurse to arrive for the weekly cleaning of Myron's PICC line. That's about it for now. We'll keep in contact. Please remember Myron in your prayers, and thank you for your continued love and support.
Myron and Wendy