Friday, 24 October 2014

Greetings from the Dennis household,

This blog is becoming progressively more difficult to write as Myron has been feeling so poorly these past couple of weeks. We hate to report bad news, but at the same time, we did promise to keep you all informed by means of this blog.

When we last wrote Myron had just completed his second treatment of the first round of this chemotherapy session. With each round being one session per week for two weeks, followed by one week off (the week off being this week), we are set to begin round 2 on Tuesday of next week. We were at the oncologist yesterday and had his blood work done, so as long as his blood count is still good, we're off to chemotherapy again next week. (the doctor will call us if the chemo is to be cancelled.) We had a scare on Thursday of last week when Myron was suffering excruciating pain and we ended up taking him to Emergency. It was discovered at that time, that on top of everything else), he also had a bladder infection. He is currently on antibiotics to cure that infection, but it seems to be just one thing after another. The doctors still haven't been able to get Myron on a painkiller in the correct dosage that will relieve his constant pain. We went to see a pain specialist in the Palliative Care Department on Wednesday, and she has prescribed a time-released painkiller, with additional supplements for him to take if needed, but life being as it can be sometimes, the pharmacy was out of that medication, so we had to wait until yesterday afternoon before we could get it. He started taking it last night, but so far with no relief. I don't believe that he slept at all last night because of the pain. The medication seemed to ease the back pains, but the abdominal pains are persistent. Myron was also been totally fatigued these past couple of weeks, and it is yet to be determined if this is caused by the cancer or is a side effect of the chemotherapy. Whatever the cause, Myron spends quite a bit of time napping on the couch, he just cannot seem to stay awake.
Myron napping on the living room couch

Myron's appetite continues to decline and he has no desire to eat whatsoever. He is forcing himself to do so, and his body is therefore getting some nourishment, but the amounts have greatly decreased from his normal eating habit and he is losing weight. On the bright side, on both Wednesday and yesterday of this week, he did have a few relatively pain-free hours and we managed to get out to the park for a few hours of enjoyment of our Indian Summer weather.
 On the trails at the Westminster Ponds
A walk in Mitches Park
We are planning to have some family photos taken on Sunday, November 2nd, so we have been checking out possible photo locations. Myron continues to look good and he is still the same Myron, doing his best to be upbeat, but this damn illness is wearing on him. It seems as if the solution to one health problem simply causes another health issue somewhere else. All of the pain medications cause constipation which continues to an issue for him.
Otherwise, we try to continue our daily lives as normally as possible in between medical appointments and treatments. As I mentioned in the previous posting, the kitchen renovations are now complete, and the painting of the kitchen and hall was done last Saturday. I (Wendy) am currently dedicating time each day to scrubbing the grout work between the ceramic tiles on the kitchen and hall floor. A much needed chore (to make the five year old floor match the new kitchen), but a tedious task at best. We held another progressive euchre here last Saturday evening and we had 16 people in attendance, but I think it tired Myron much more than it has previously. We continue to attend our Monday evening bowling league.
At our Monday night bowling league
We still greatly look forward to phone calls and visits from our children, our grandchildren, other family and our friends. On days when we are feeling tired and discouraged, a visit or a phone call from someone will brighten up our day. It is currently 7:30 am and we are waiting for the visiting nurse to arrive for the weekly cleaning of Myron's PICC line. That's about it for now. We'll keep in contact. Please remember Myron in your prayers, and thank you for your continued love and support.
Myron and Wendy

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Greetings from Chancton Crescent,

It's been 10 days so we last wrote, so we thought we should keep you updated. First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, with all of the family in attendance, along with our great-nephew Alex Mink. A good time was had by all, and we enjoyed a turkey and ham dinner. As a special treat, Maggie made and brought home-made pretzels, and Sadie made and brought a homemade pumpkin pie. Below is a photo of us all around the table prior to Thanksgiving dinner. This photo is special indeed, as originally there were two photos, one taken by Wendy with Myron in it, and one taken by Myron with Wendy in it. Rachael used photoshop and added Wendy (from the 2nd pic taken) to the first photo, so we have us all together.

Thanksgiving Dinner 2014
On Sunday of last week we paid a final visit of the season to the trailer and cleaned out the gardens, the fridge and freezer, stripped the bed, turned off the power, etc. readying the trailer for winter. Adios until next spring, Lakewood Campground! Myron's sister Phyllis and her husband Mattie stopped in for a visit last week before they head to Florida for the winter. We also had a visit from our friend Anthony which was a great surprise, as we haven't seen him in quite some time. Myron so loves to have people in for a visit.

Ready for winter!
The kitchen renovations are now complete with the exception of a new coat of paint which will happen next weekend. We purchased the paint today, so it all systems go when our neighbour Medou is available to paint it for us. We are loving it, but still adjusting to the high tap which we manage to spray everywhere whenever we use it. I expect we will adjust to it eventually. Many thanks to our friend and neighbour Chris Cain for the many hours work he put into helping us with the kitchen.

Our new kitchen!
On the health front the news is not so good. Myron has had a rough couple of weeks. He had his first chemo treatment with the new chemo on Monday of last week and he had the second treatment today. While the treatment is much shorter and easier for him, it has made him incredibly tired and he slept for a good part of last week. He is so fatigued that he has a hard time keeping his eyes open. He is still experiencing frequent pain, and we're not sure yet if the new pain medication he has is working or not. The doctor asked him to take this medication only so she can determine whether or not it is effective, but unfortunately she did not prescribe enough to last until Myron's next appointment. So Myron was rationing them to make them last, which didn't relieve his pain as it should. We called the Cancer Clinic to get the prescription renewed, but the Thanksgiving holiday interrupted business and we didn't get the renewal. We managed to get him into the after hours clinic at his family doctor on Saturday, and the doctor gave him a renewal, but it still wasn't enough to take in the recommended dosage. Today at his chemo treatment we told the nurse our problem, and she got the doctor to give us another prescription for two weeks worth, so now we have enough medication to take as recommended until his next oncologist appointment on Thursday of next week. Hopefully now that he doesn't have to ration it, it will work and relieve the abdominal and back pains that Myron has been suffering. Myron's appetite has decreased considerably, but he is doing his best to make certain he eats enough to get the nourishment his body needs.
Otherwise, our lives continue on as usual. We are still bowling on Monday evenings, we are planning to hold a progressive euchre here next Saturday evening, we have booked a friend to take family photographs on November 2nd, and we (especially Myron) are looking forward to going to Toronto to see a Toronto Maple Leaf/Detroit Red Wing game on November 22nd, with my sister Barb and her husband Keith. Guess which team Myron will be cheering for. That's all the news for now. We'll keep in touch. Thanks for all your support, and please keep up those prayers for Myron.
Myron and Wendy

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Greetings once again!

It's been a while since we last posted, but we have been waiting to see Myron's oncologist and find out what is happening, so we at least had some news to pass on to the rest of you. It has been a busy couple of weeks, what with medical tests and appointments, our regular activies such as bowling, shopping, housework and laundry ... and kitchen renovations.

We went to see Myron's oncologist on Thursday, and the bad/sad news is that his tumours have grown somewhat over the summer. Exactly how much we have no idea as the doctor didn't tell us, but we suppose it is to be expected since it has been over 3 months since Myron last had chemotherapy. The good news is that his chemo begins again on Monday next week (two days from now). They are trying a different kind of chemotherapy this time, and instead of his going for chemo one day (all day) every second week, he will be going on a schedule of one day a week for 2 weeks, and then a week off, repeating this cycle. And the treatment is only about a half hour so we will not be spending all day there - hopefully only an hour or two. He also doesn't need to come home with the pump attached to him for 2 days following each session. The doctor assures us that side effects are much more minimal with this type of chemotherapy, so let's hope it works to shrink the tumours and that Myron feels better also.

The doctor is trying a new type of pain medication so we are hoping that Myron's chest/abdominal pains will go away - or at least lessen. The biggest problem is that all of these painkillers cause constipation which furthers the pain, so they are working to get the correct combination that works for Myron. Myron is still feeling very tired, but part of that we have been assured is his adjustment to the pain medications. In addition, as you all know, Myron is a very hardworking man. He just doesn't give up. And while I (Wendy) worry about him and try to prevent his overdoing things, I do realize that Myron must live his life as he sees fit, and he does assure me that he feels less pain when he is working because he is not thinking about it. Myron, however, sadly must give up his riding/supervising on his bus route for the time being as it is just too risky for him to be exposed to kids and their multiple viruses while he is undergoing chemotherapy which lowers his white blood count and his resistance to infections. He's going to miss those kids for sure.

Myron hard at work. Top: Kitchen renovations with our neighbour Chris. Bottom: Helping Chris install a new storm door at his home.

We remain busy with many activities, but kitchen renovations have been in the forefront in the past few weeks. We are still awaiting the drawer fronts for the cabinet between the stove and fridge, and we are waiting for one more stool for the breakfast bar to come in, and we need to get the mirror over the sink downsized and put back into place.We also intend to repaint the kitchen and hall (the same green colour which I love), but things are nearing completion and it is exciting for us. The new kitchen gives the house an entire new look and we are so happy with it.

Top: Myron eating breakfast at the new breakfast bar. Bottom: The kitchen as it looks this morning.

Tomorrow we are planning to drive up to the trailer and clean it out for the winter, as in emptying the fridge and freezer, stripping the bed, cleaning out the flower beds, turning off the electricity, etc. We may still go up for part of Thanksgiving weekend, weather permitting, but we want to get things taken care of this weekend just in case Myron's new chemo tires him as the last chemo did, and he is unable to drive up there next weekend (which is the final weekend of the camping season). We are also planning to have the kids and grandkids over here on the Monday of that weekend for a Thanksgiving dinner. Yesterday I (Wendy) had a great surprise. When Myron came home from work, he brought with him a bouquet of roses for me, "just because", as a thank you for all I do for him. I just love them - yellow roses with baby's breath, the same as I carried in my bouquet on our wedding day. Myron is one sweet man, I cannot thank him enough!

My beautiful roses!
I think that's about all the news for now. I will try to get back to you sometime next week following Myron's chemotherapy treatment, and let you know how he is doing. Feel free to drop by for a visit some time, or give us a call. Myron loves to hear from and visit with everyone, and it does help to keep his spirits up. Thanks for all your support and prayers. Please keep it up.
Myron and Wendy